Public Safety & Wellbeing
The "feeling of safety" can have more of an impact on an individual's daily life than reported crime rates, allowing seniors to be more self-sufficient in safe neighborhoods, students to focus on learning in safe schools, employees to travel safely to work and be more productive, and families to feel safe in their homes.
Victims of domestic violence cross racial and ethnic, socio-economic and gender lines.
While only about a third of all crime is reported, the Crime Index is the most commonly used measure of crime and is a consistent sample that allows for national comparisons.
Limited income, homelessness and food insecurity indicate that assistance may be needed for individuals and families regardless of age, gender, socio-economics, or other racial and ethnic diversity, including effective programs to improve self-sufficiency and life outcomes for all peoples.
Indicator Gauge Icon Legend
Legend Colors
Red is bad, green is good, blue is not statistically different/neutral.
Compared to Distribution
the value is in the best half of communities.
the value is in the 2nd worst quarter of communities.
the value is in the worst quarter of communities.
Compared to Target
meets target; does not meet target.
Compared to a Single Value
lower than the comparison value; higher than the comparison value; not statistically different from comparison value.
non-significant change over time; significant change over time; no change over time.
Compared to Prior Value
higher than the previous measurement period; lower than the previous measurement period; no statistically different change from previous measurement period.